Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bosque del Apache - Snow Geese

The highlight of being at Bosque is being there for the morning fly out.  Just before sunrise, 40,000 snow geese fly overhead.  It was an amazing experience!  All the photographers are jostling for a good position.  You can see them coming, you hear the noisy sounds of honking and wings whirring, they fly overhead, and all of a sudden it's over.  But it really is an amazing natural experience. 

During the day, if your timing is right, you can get some of the experience again.  Not quite the same, but spectacular in it's own right.

At times, the sky is filled with geese and all the cameras are clicking.  Mine was too!

Amidst all the honking and flying, I found Bosque to be a peaceful, natural place and I can see why it is such a draw for photographers.  It really was nature's playground.

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